Deeply influenced by his Greek education and despite his short rule (331-363 A.D.), Emperor Julian was pivotal in the efforts to abolish Christianity and return his empire to a National Religion. He was characterized as an enemy of Christianity by the Church and stigmatized with the nickname Transgressor (or Apostate), even though some believe that what he really wanted to accomplish was to reconcile the Greek spirit with Christian faith. As the ancient world came to an end in the era when Christianity became the most prominent religion, the work transports us to the last days of Julian's military campaign against the Persians in 363 A.D.. In the heat of the battle in a desert-like scenery, Julian is confronted not only by the Persians, but also by a stifling web of conspiracies against him by fanatic Christians from his camp and the imperative need for his extinction. 'I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.' Nikos Kazantzakis