During the turbulent days of the civil war in Bosnia, a young Serb named Lorco Lievic, deserts the army and runs away from his home and family: his parents, younger brother, best friend, as well as his Muslim wife. And while Lorco travels to Paris and to the "other countries" with the ghosts of his beloved ones in his heart, those who have stayed behind see their relationships being put to the test, as the war invades their home... In "Le diable enpartage", Melchiot reminds us of the recent tragedy in Bosnia not only through the hardships that his heroes have to undergo, but also with much lyricism, sensitivity and humor, in a text which drifts between reality and imagination, pain and tenderness, hate and humanity. Like angels entangled in the hair of the Devil, Melchiot's characters struggle to defend life-and a great love affair -from death and insanity. And to do this with their eyes open.