''Acharnians, product of the playwright’ s early years, is a play which wonderfully highlights man’s potential to survive when his existence is at stake. The singularity of the right for personal peacemaking with the enemy, when this conflicts state orders and historical circumstances, lights a spark that can only be either highly comic or highly tragic. When both take place, we stand before the masterpiece of a genius who contemplates upon the fragile temporariness of social institutions and their failure to tame man’s primeval rights. Dikeopolis’ personal decision for peace overlooks charges of treason and declares the gifts of land and fertility as primary values, for it is not accidental that it is a farmer who places them before war and destruction. The play is extremely up-to-date in today’s conditions of moral decay and cultural decline that always go hand in hand with economic crisis…especially when the latter is organized by the ever-same interest groups, which benefit from violence and war and lead humanity to its degradation and misery.'' Sotiris Hatzakis