Aristophanes disappointed by the bad party ruling of Athens, conceives as a subject and saving means to impose a government composed of women. Thus, we see the women of Athens, incited by Praxagora, occupying the Assembly of the City, and voting the principles of the absolute common ownership by which, it will exist neither ownership nor family. The aim is for the citizens not to work and for the slaves to do all the work, to stop slanders and trials, women belonging to whomever man the like, and that the ugly and the old women would have priority in love so as everyone has the same rights in everything. In this play Aristophanes denounces in an indirect way the decline of democratic institutions and discloses the dead lock in which Athens was in the 4th century. The ethical message is that when the Athenian men are in the last step of political and spiritual decay and in the last level of national degradation even the women are able to be more capable than men are.