Is the first completed play that Eliot wrote for the theatre. It's the greatest poetic drama of Eliot combining masterly the structure of Christian sacrament with the tragic Chorus of the ancient drama. 'A man returns to his country foreseeing that they will kill him and finally the do'. This is how Eliot himself summarizes the plot of this play, written for the Festival of Canterbury having as theme the of the archbishop Becket' s martyr life and his struggle against exterior forces and on his own interior weaknesses. Thomas Becket, chancellor of the king of England Henry II, later archbishop of Canterbury, martyr and saint, especially capable not only in the administration but in the battlefield and thus they later appointed him as archbishop. Although the destiny of Thomas is different. He resigned the chancellorship and fought with passionately for the rights of the Church. Thus begins a long conflict going on with the self-exile of Thomas in France and in the end with a seeming conciliation and Beckets return. However hardly had a month passed and four knights killed him inside the church. Eliot, although his play refers in historical events, he didn't want, as he said, to write a chronicle of the politics in 12th century. The 'Murder in the Cathedral', in essence, gives emphasis in the idea of death and martyrdom.