These four one act plays are representatives of Williams work. Through their presentation pass certain figures of the most important of his heroines. Miss Mour refers to Blanche Dubois of A streertcar named desire, Bertha in Alexandra del Lango from the Sweet Bird of Youth and the Woman from Talk to me like the Rain and Let me Listen, plunged in the pursuit of the past, reminds us of Katherine of Suddenly, Last Summer. The two of these plays are very known in the wide public the Demolition downtown and Talk to me like the Rain and Let me Listen while the two others The Lady of Larkspur Lotion and Hello from Bertha , presented for the first time to the audience of Thessaloniki,. Characteristic of this vertebrate performance is the flexible scenic presence helping in the best way the transition from the one play to another. Thematic unity does not exist in the four plays. Although, an indissoluble connection is ensured masterly by the stressing of the basic theme of Williams play-writing, that is the lack of communication and the escape from reality.