Euripides, in this tragedy refers to a tragic event, which took place after the fall of Troy. Queen Hecuba, with other women from Troy, waits for the Greek ships to transfer them as slaves to Greece. A bad dream that Hecuba sees takes no long to come true. The Greeks sacrifice her daughter Polyxena in Achille's grave while they bring her dead her little child Polydorus whom herself had given to the king Polymestor to save him. Then Hecuba changes in an unscrupulous Erinya. With the silent agreement of her enemy Agamemnon, Hecuba revenges Polymestor by blinding and killing his children. The tragic poet makes a psychographic demonstration of the symptoms that the human psychism presents when the dramatic circumstances press him overwhelmingly, while indirectly he denounces the historical recycling of the human violence which goes on through wars and the despotic purposefulness of determinism.