The historical drama 'Saint Prince' presents the decadence of the Roman Empire the 5th century A.D. via the family of a rich senator and his servants. Alexios, the principal character of the play refuses the imperialist Rome (an era of chaos and pursuits) and leaves for the East in a wandering of 17 Years with purpose the deliverance of the dead end of the West. When he returns back his family doesn't recognize him and welcome him as a stranger. Thus, he will take again the road of loneliness and of humiliation, struggling to prove his personal freedom. At the same time the servants of the family represent and parodies in satirical intermezzos the historical events of the time. They play the empires of Rome and Constantinople, the division between East and West. Alexios finds himself on the verge of two worlds (lords and servants) and till the end of the play stays an enigmatic and contradictory character.