Harpagon, a rich miser, rules his house with a meanness, which becomes the talk of the town. He keeps his horses so weak that they cannot be used. He lends money at such an extortionate rate and he is constantly in fear of having his wealth stolen from him under his nose. Obsessively fearful, he suspects everyone and constantly checks his grounds where he has buried a large sum of money to keep it safe! As for the real treasures, his children, he marginalises and dominates them. He deprives them of independence by denying them money. He deprives them of the freedom to choose a marriage partner for themselves. Instead, he uses them the gain more riches for himself by organising wealthy spouses for them. Since father and son have designs on the same woman, they become rivals in love. But such is the force of true love that through a staged robbery the children take control of their own destinies forcing their father to give up his plans for their weddings in return for the restoration of his wealth. And en route they discover one or two surprises about themselves that they could not have begun to imagine.