
Press Releases

2nd Meeting of Young Artists of Southeast Europe. ANCIENT DRAMA AND POLITICS: Approach of the Comic > (19/07/2018)

The National Theatre of Northern Greece organizes the 2nd  Meeting of Young Artists of Southeast Europe entitled « Ancient Drama and Politics. Approach of the Comic» from 22nd to 29th September 2018 as part of the International Network of Ancient Drama of the Greek Ministry of Culture.

During the 1st Meeting we went through various possibilities of approaching Ancient Drama while reaching the limits of the texts. The 2nd Meeting’s main topic will be the approach of the Comic element and the way it is being used not only in comedies but tragedies as well. Starting with Aristophanes we will try to identify a link between the ancient tradition and contemporary use of Comic, highlighting its political dimension. During the Meeting we are going to investigate the comic element in certain situations, the way it is represented by various characters, as well as by different stage techniques. Moreover, new perspectives and correlations with the contemporary social and political reality will emerge.
During one week, a series of workshops and lectures will be held and performances will be presented, aiming at modern views and approaches of the Comic. The whole enterprise will be realized through the collaboration of various artists coming from diverse cultural backgrounds, while the final presentation of this cooperation will be open to the public.

The Meeting is subsidized by the Greek Ministry of Culture as part of the International Network of Ancient Drama.
The National Theatre of Northern Greece invites for participation:
  1. Professional artists (until 35 years old) and graduates of schools of drama or Universities specialized in acting, to participate in workshops that will lead to the presentation of the work done in common by artists from different countries. The artists should send CV, photos and at least one video extract from a performance that they had participated. Sufficient English knowledge is required. 
  2. Groups of young artists (until 35 years old) who work in Southeast Europe countries, have dealt before with Ancient Greek Drama and are able to present a finished performance or a work in progress based on ancient drama focusing on the Comic element. Applicants must send a short CV of the group, individual CVs of the members, description of the idea and the direction, video of the performance (if applicable), videos extracts from previous performances, photos and sample text in Greek or English. 
Taking part in workshops and performances will be provided at no cost for certain groups/artists that will be chosen by an artistic committee. Travelling and overnight expenses for groups and individual artists that live overseas are covered by NTNG.

Submissions must be sent to [email protected] with the appropriate subject “Ancient Drama and Politics” to NTNG literary office or by post to the address 2 Ethnikis Amynis str., 54621 Thessaloniki the latest until 17 of August 2018.

