

John Malkovich’s World Theatre Day message (22/03/2012)

John Malkovich’s World Theatre Day message

I’m honored to have been asked by the Inter­na­tional Theatre Insti­tute ITI at UNESCO to give this greet­ing com­mem­or­at­ing the 50th anniversary
of World Theatre Day. I will address my brief remarks to my fel­low theatre work­ers, peers and comrades.

“May your work be com­pel­ling and ori­ginal. May it be pro­found, touch­ing, con­tem­plat­ive, and unique. May it help us to reflect on the ques­tion of what it means to be human, and may that reflec­tion be blessed with heart, sin­cer­ity, candor, and grace. May you over­come adversity, cen­sor­ship, poverty and nihil­ism, as many of you will most cer­tainly be obliged to do.

“May you be blessed with the tal­ent and rigor to teach us about the beat­ing of the human heart in all its com­plex­ity, and the humil­ity and curi­os­ity to make it your life’s work. And may the best of you — for it will only be the best of you, and even then only in the rarest and briefest moments — suc­ceed in fram­ing that most basic of ques­tions, ‘how do we live?’ Godspeed.”

John Malkovich
