Anger: what does it mean and where does it derive from? It is a situation of life, a way of contact and communication with the others but which are the factors, verifying it? The writer detects two: a) the struggle of the classes b) the traumatic experiences of childhood. Jimmy Porter, who incarnates the angry young man, suffers from both of them. As a work boy who is trying to impose the values and the models of its class, conflicts with the bourgeois mentality in every aspect of it: political, social, religious etc. His anger grows through the consciousness of the contradiction of the struggle, which remains fruitless, as he cannot persuade even his own wife for his ideas. What undermines every behavior of anger are the traumas of the childhood. When Jimmy was ten years old, saw his father dying, a father crippled by Spanish Fascism. The views of Jimmy concerning issues of ethics, based on the contradiction of logic with instinct, will consist a third factor in the development of the anger. This, which John Osborne broaches on a second plan, is the fate of the educated unemployed young man, who in an effort to survive makes the most unlikely little jobs. It's the time when a lot of scientists study at the Universities and there is no state welfare securing them a job according to their academic qualifications. For all these reasons the play 'Look Back In Anger' remains opportune and inexhaustible. Because what else apart from the class struggles, the pursuit for a job and the traumas of the childhood, can compose better the problems of modern young people? In what other conditions other than these the character is formed as a social structure and existence? (The director: Tilemachos Moudatsakis)